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zblogphp french translate trouble

天兴工作室 于2016-03-23提问

First sorry i don't speak chinese but i'm using this great Cms for my own conveniance, i have translate it in French (i'm using simpage theme) but there is strange bug i can't resolve. If i use chinese text all is right but when i'm using french translate (from english files) i have space after the character  '  "L’ énigme" !! it must be like this "L'énigme" without the space between the ' and the é . Any idea ? i have look inside the code and i think it came from the preg_replace string ?


{php}$description = preg_replace('/\p{Cc}+/u','', trim(SubStrUTF8(TransferHTML($article->Title,'[nohtml]'),55)).'');{/php}{$description}</a></h3>
<ul id="zi">
{if $zbp->Config('simpage')->DisplayAbstractwords=="0"}
{php}$description = preg_replace('/\p{Cc}+/u','', trim(SubStrUTF8(TransferHTML($article->Content,'[nohtml]'),$zbp->Config('simpage')->Abstractwords)).'...');{/php}{$description}



Thanks a lot if you can help me and long live to this wonderfull site.

已经有 2 个答案啦


回应ta 涂涂研版 (游客)

评论于 2016-03-25 23:32:48

you can try to change to this:
{php}$description = preg_replace('/\s(?=\s)/', '', trim(SubStrUTF8(TransferHTML($article-˃Title,'[nohtml]'),25)).'');{/php}{$description}
{if $zbp-˃Config('simpage')-˃DisplayAbstractwords=="0"}
{php}$description = preg_replace('/\s(?=\s)/', '', trim(SubStrUTF8(TransferHTML($article-˃Content,'[nohtml]'),$zbp-˃Config('simpage')-˃Abstractwords)).'...');{/php}{$description}

回应ta 天兴工作室 (管理员)

评论于 2016-03-25 23:14:01

I am sorry that I can not English, your question is feedback to the developers, please keep your attention or to the official zblogphp forum will post your question again in order to get timely reply.

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